Mare winking pregnant

YouTube Mare Wink Mare in Heat
--> My mare is nearly 5 months pregnant. Every few weeks or so when I go to feed her in the morning, she squats and kind of pees, then walks around Bulletin Board:.
09.11.2008 · During July, a stud broke out of his pen and bred my mare. I'm not going to have an ultrasound done, but what are the first signs a horse is going to have
Mare winking pregnant Bulletin Board:.
I have a 19 year old Arabian mare that was ultrasounded at 16 days pregnant, but showing heat to every stallion around. Her cervix was a little bit open and her

The discussion forum for ideas and tips for management techniques for the pregnant mare, and the new born foal and it's mother.
A video to demonstrate typical "Winking" in mares. Oh, for heaven sake. When a mare is coming into heat, she will "horse" or "wink".
22.06.2010 · The hormones that control a mare's reproductive cycle are like a waterfall. They are produced in the horse's brain and flow through the horse's body to the